來研究 UpdateOperation
How it works
CrudController 是一個 RESTful 的 controller,Update
Operation 用了兩個 routes:
- GET to
: 指到edit()
,用來 render Edit Form(edit.blade.php
) - POST to
: 指到update()
,使用 Eloquent 去 update database 的 entry
會 render 所有被定義的 fields(using fields API), 接著在保存時,update()
會對資料作 validation,在 Eloquent Model 創建 entry。只有 field type 被加入,且為 $fiilable
Advanced Features and Techniques
backpack 提供三種方式,作為表單驗證的機制。
Validating fields using FormRequests
在產生 CrudController 的時候,會順帶產生一個 Laravel FormRequest,這個 FormRequest 會在 setupUpdateOperation()
裡面被使用。如果是 Article 的話,就是 ArticleRequest::class
對於比較大的 model 來說,這個方式很好用,因為可以在 FormRequest
裡面寫很多 rules, messages and attributes,而且不會影響到 CrudController
如果今天 Create 和 Update 用來 validate 的方式不一樣,就要創建不同的 request file:
use App\Http\Requests\CreateTagRequest as StoreRequest;
use App\Http\Requests\UpdateTagRequest as UpdateRequest;
// ...
public function setupCreateOperation()
public function setupUpdateOperation()
Validating fields using a rules array
如果是小型的 model,要用另一個檔案來管理也蠻麻煩的,此時可以把 rules 直接寫成 array 就好。
protected function setupUpdateOperation()
'name' => 'required|min:2',
// or maybe
$rules = ['name' => 'required|min:2'];
$messages = [
'name.required' => 'You gotta give it a name, man.',
'name.min' => 'You came up short. Try more than 2 characters.',
$this->crud->setValidation($rules, $messages);
Validating fields using field attributes
另一個對於中小型 model 也不錯用的,是直接寫在 addField()
protected function setupUpdateOperation()
'name' => 'content',
'label' => 'Content',
'type' => 'ckeditor',
'placeholder' => 'Your textarea text here',
'validationRules' => 'required|min:10',
'validationMessages' => [
'required' => 'You gotta write smth man.',
'min' => 'More than 10 characters, bro. Wtf... You can do this!',
// CAREFUL! This MUST be called AFTER the fields are defined, NEVER BEFORE
如果使用這個方法的話,一定要在最後 call setValidation()
,不用輸入任何 parameter。 Backpack 會自己去這些 field 裡面找對應的 rules。
根據 Backpack 文件的說法,在 entry 被更新之前/之後,我們可能想要最一些事情。
但在 Laravel Backpack 是沒有 callback 可以用的,所以如果要達到這種效果,可以用以下幾種方式。
Use Events in your setup()
Laravel 已經有提供幾個 events:
: triggered by the Update operationsaving
: triggered by both the Create and the Update Operations。
舉例來說,如果想要在 Product
entry 更新之前做一些事情,可以:
public function setupUpdateOperation()
// ...
Product::updating(function($entry) {
$entry->last_edited_by = backpack_user()->id;
要注意的是,這些events 只有在 function 被 call 的時候才會 register,所以,如果把它定義在 CrudController
- they will NOT run when an entry is changed outside that CrudController;
- if you want to expand the scope to cover both the
operations, you can easily do that, for example by using thesaving
events, and moving the event-calling to your mainsetup()
Use Events in your field definition
可以在創建 field 的時候,就告訴 field 在 entry 要存進 db 的時候應該要做些什麼:
// FLUENT syntax - use the convenience method "on" to define just ONE event
CRUD::field('name')->on('updating', function ($entry) {
$entry->last_edited_by = backpack_user()->id;
// FLUENT SYNTAX - you can define multiple events in one go
'updating' => function ($entry) {
$entry->last_edited_by = backpack_user()->id;
'saved' => function ($entry) {
// TODO: upload some file
// using the ARRAY SYNTAX, define an array of events and closures
'name' => 'name',
'events' => [
'updating' => function ($entry) {
$entry->author_id = backpack_user()->id;
Override the update()
把 update()
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Admin;
use Backpack\CRUD\app\Http\Controllers\CrudController;
class ProductCrudController extends CrudController
use \Backpack\CRUD\app\Http\Controllers\Operations\UpdateOperation { update as traitUpdate; }
// ...
public function update()
// do something before validation, before save, before everything; for example:
// $this->crud->addField(['type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'author_id']);
// $this->crud->removeField('password_confirmation');
// Note: By default Backpack ONLY saves the inputs that were added on page using Backpack fields.
// This is done by stripping the request of all inputs that do NOT match Backpack fields for this
// particular operation. This is an added security layer, to protect your database from malicious
// users who could theoretically add inputs using DeveloperTools or JavaScript. If you're not properly
// using $guarded or $fillable on your model, malicious inputs could get you into trouble.
// However, if you know you have proper $guarded or $fillable on your model, and you want to manipulate
// the request directly to add or remove request parameters, you can also do that.
// We have a config value you can set, either inside your operation in `config/backpack/crud.php` if
// you want it to apply to all CRUDs, or inside a particular CrudController:
// $this->crud->setOperationSetting('saveAllInputsExcept', ['_token', '_method', 'http_referrer', 'current_tab', 'save_action']);
// The above will make Backpack store all inputs EXCEPT for the ones it uses for various features.
// So you can manipulate the request and add any request variable you'd like.
// $this->crud->getRequest()->request->add(['author_id'=> backpack_user()->id]);
// $this->crud->getRequest()->request->remove('password_confirmation');
// $this->crud->getRequest()->request->add(['author_id'=> backpack_user()->id]);
// $this->crud->getRequest()->request->remove('password_confirmation');
$response = $this->traitUpdate();
// do something after save
return $response;
Delete button on Update Operation
如果想要在 Update operation 裡面顯示 Delete button,需要在 setupUpdateOperation()
protected function setupUpdateOperation()
// your code...
$this->crud->setOperationSetting('showDeleteButton', true); // <--- add this!
// alternatively you can pass an URL to where user should be redirected after entry is deleted:
// $this->crud->setOperationSetting('showDeleteButton', 'https://someurl.com');
這可以讓我們可以直接在 update 的畫面刪掉 entries。
Trace Code - UpdateOperation
接著來看 UpdateOperation
這個 trait 裡面的一些 method:
protected function setupUpdateRoutes($segment, $routeName, $controller)
Route::get($segment.'/{id}/edit', [
'as' => $routeName.'.edit',
'uses' => $controller.'@edit',
'operation' => 'update',
Route::put($segment.'/{id}', [
'as' => $routeName.'.update',
'uses' => $controller.'@update',
'operation' => 'update',
還蠻明顯這個 method 就是在創建兩個 route,一個是 GET:admin/article/{id}/edit
,會導到編輯的那一頁。另一個是 PUT: admin/article/{id}
,就是編輯完按下 save 會導到的 route。
不過我還蠻好奇這個 method 是在哪裡被 call 的,因為只要一創建 crudController,就會馬上有 route 可以用。
後來發現一開始是在 EntityCrudController
所繼承的 CrudController
public function __construct()
if ($this->crud) {
// ---------------------------
// Create the CrudPanel object
// ---------------------------
// Used by developers inside their ProductCrudControllers as
// $this->crud or using the CRUD facade.
// It's done inside a middleware closure in order to have
// the complete request inside the CrudPanel object.
$this->middleware(function ($request, $next) {
$this->crud = app('crud');
return $next($request);
這個裡面會 call setup()
,但目前這個 parent class 的 setup()
沒有實作,所以要去看各 crudController 的 setup()
,這裡用 article 為例:
public function setup()
CRUD::setRoute(config('backpack.base.route_prefix') . '/article');
CRUD::setEntityNameStrings('article', 'articles');
這裡會 call setRoute()
,而 setRoute()
是在 parent class(CrudController) 所 implement 的:
public function setupRoutes($segment, $routeName, $controller)
preg_match_all('/(?<=^|;)setup([^;]+?)Routes(;|$)/', implode(';', get_class_methods($this)), $matches);
if (count($matches[1])) {
foreach ($matches[1] as $methodName) {
$this->{'setup'.$methodName.'Routes'}($segment, $routeName, $controller);
可以看到這裡就會 call 'setup'.$methodName.'Routes'
並傳入需要的 parameters。
protected function setupUpdateDefaults()
$this->crud->operation('update', function () {
if ($this->crud->getModel()->translationEnabled()) {
'name' => '_locale',
'type' => 'hidden',
'value' => request()->input('_locale') ?? app()->getLocale(),
$this->crud->operation(['list', 'show'], function () {
$this->crud->addButton('line', 'update', 'view', 'crud::buttons.update', 'end');
允許 CRUDController 有權限可以使用 update。會把操作名稱(update)添加到允許訪問的列表中。在這邊是把 update
是在定義名為 update
的操作,並用一個 closure 來設定 update 要作什麼事情。
就是在 load 配置文件,通常位於 config/backpack/operations
下面會看 model 有沒有啟用翻譯,如果有的話,會新增一個 hidden 的欄位。這個是用來儲存目前的語言設置(當前選擇的語言),以便在多語言網頁上正確更新相應的翻譯。
主要用於設置 default 的保存操作。包含 save_and_back
這個 setupDefaultSaveActions()
會在 Save and back 按鈕旁邊的小箭頭出現,如下圖:
最後,在 operation 是 list, show 的情況下,執行 addbutton,也就是 Add a button to the CRUD table view.。
Show the form for editing the specified resource.
public function edit($id)
// get entry ID from Request (makes sure its the last ID for nested resources)
$id = $this->crud->getCurrentEntryId() ?? $id;
// get the info for that entry
$this->data['entry'] = $this->crud->getEntryWithLocale($id);
$this->crud->setOperationSetting('fields', $this->crud->getUpdateFields());
$this->data['crud'] = $this->crud;
$this->data['saveAction'] = $this->crud->getSaveAction();
$this->data['title'] = $this->crud->getTitle() ?? trans('backpack::crud.edit').' '.$this->crud->entity_name;
$this->data['id'] = $id;
// load the view from /resources/views/vendor/backpack/crud/ if it exists, otherwise load the one in the package
return view($this->crud->getEditView(), $this->data);
會寫在對應的 route 裡面:
Route::get($segment.'/{id}/edit', [
'as' => $routeName.'.edit',
'uses' => $controller.'@edit',
'operation' => 'update',
這邊其實就寫了當 user 輸入這個 url,會 call edit 這個 method。
首先進入 edit,會檢查是否可以 access update(在 setupUpdateDefaults()
接著會取得 id,知道要編輯哪個 entry。
接著,使用 getEntryWithLocale()
得到特定語言區域的資源。這個 method 會先看是否已經有 entry,還沒有的話會 call getEntry()
來拿到 entry。接著,會去看這個 entry 是否支援翻譯,然後從request 去找可用語言區域列表。如果有的話,會用 setLocale($locale)
將語言區域設置為 request 指定的語言區域。
下面的 setOperationSetting()
會把 operation 存成 key-value store,這樣之後可以方便查找。
然後再下面的程式碼,主要就是把一些資訊存進 data
,並在最後一起傳到 view 裡面。
而 getEditView()
public function getEditView()
return $this->get('update.view') ?? 'crud::edit';
看起來就是先檢查使用者有沒有自定義 update view,如果沒有的話,就用 backpack 預設的。
官方文件 上有寫一些方法,關於創建如何客製化自己的 view。
Update the specified resource in the database.
public function update()
// execute the FormRequest authorization and validation, if one is required
$request = $this->crud->validateRequest();
// register any Model Events defined on fields
// update the row in the db
$item = $this->crud->update(
$this->data['entry'] = $this->crud->entry = $item;
// show a success message
// save the redirect choice for next time
return $this->crud->performSaveAction($item->getKey());
跟上面的 edit()
會先檢查有沒有 access。
如果有的話,那就 call validateRequest()
來驗證輸入,這邊的驗證會同時看 FormRequst 和寫在裡面的 rules
驗證通過後,會 call regusterFieldEvents()
,看起來是會把在 field 裡面有定義的所有 Eloquent Model Events 註冊。在上面的 [[#^eb7633|Callback]] 有提到怎麼定義 Eloquent Model Events。
接著會 call update()
把資料存進 db 裡面,getStrippedSaveRequest()
是會把 request 做一些處理。
存進 db 後,會再把更新後的 entry 存到 data[]
最後就是顯示 flash message 並 redirect ㄌ。
- 程式碼蠻多的,但愈看愈有感覺,因為前面原本沒有很了解的東西,都會慢慢能了解實作。但也不知道要挖到多深就是ㄌ。
- 好像可以去研究一下 Laravel Form Request Validation 和 Eloquent Events。